Head of Laboratory of Weed Research
Ljilјana Radivojević, PhD 
Vladan Jovanović, PhD
Ljilјana Šantrić, PhD 
Marija Sarić-Krsmanović, PhD 
Jelena Gajić Umilјendić, PhD 
Research field
- Research of the biology and ecology of weed species, particularly invasive, quarantine and economically important weeds
- Research of weed flora in crops and ruderal habitats
- Research of the spectra of activity and degrees of efficacy of herbicides and plant growth regulators
- Research of the effects and dynamic of degradation of herbicides in soil
- Research of the effects of herbicides on cultivated crops and beneficial organisms in the environment
ТR31043: Research of plant pathogens, arthropods, weeds and pesticides with a focus on on developing biorational methods for plant protection and production of safe food (Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development)
III46008: Development of integrated systems of pest management in plant production with a focus on overcoming the resistance problem and improving food quality and safety (Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development)
International project
FA COST Action FA1203 “Sustainable management of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe (SMARTER)“ (2012-2016)
- Testing of herbicides and plant growth regulators for registration purposes in the Republic of Serbia
- Testing of herbicides and plant growth regulators for product development purposes
- Mapping of weed species
- Elaboration of weed control methods
- Testing and evaluation of physicochemical properties and biological nutritive characteristics of microbial fertilizers