Goran Jokić

Goran Jokić, PhD – Research Associate


Email  goran.jokic@pesting.org.rs; jokicg@ptt.rs
 2004 – BScAgri – Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade
 2012 – PhD in Life Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade
Research ranks  2006 – Research Trainee
 2009 – Research Assistant
 2013 – Research Associate
Employment  2006 – Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Belgrade
Research field
 Life sciences – Agriculture – Plant protection: chemical plant protection, agricultural zoology
Membership  Plant Protection Society of Serbia
Selected articles Jokić G., Vukša M., Đedović S., Kljajić P. (2014): Laboratory testing of wood mouse and common vole sensitivity to bromadiolone, sodium selenite, and cellulose. Journal of Pest Science, 87(2): 309-314.

Jokić I. Goran. (2014): Impact of Rodent Species on Alfalfa Crops: Solve the Problem. In Hirsh L. M. (Ed.). Alfalfa: Ecology, Production and Disease Management. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA. pp. 75-103.

Jokić G., Vukša M., Đedović S., Stojnić B., Kataranovski D., Šćepović T. (2013): Effects of Different Essential Oils on the Acceptability and Palatability of Cereal-Based Baits for Laboratory Mice. Pesticides and Phytomedicine, 28(2), 111-116.

Jokić G., Vukša M., Elezović I., Đedović S., Kataranovski D. (2012): Application of grain baits to control common vole Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1778) in alfalfa crops, Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences, 64(2): 629-637.

Đedović, S., Vukša, M., Petrović, M.M., Bojkovski, J., Pavlović, I., Jokić, G., Stojnić, B. (2012): Control of brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) on a dairy farm in Serbia. Biotechnology in Animal Hausbandry, 28(3): 623-633.

Vukša, M., Jokić, G., Ðedović, S., Vukša, P., Stojnić, B. (2012): The justification for application and development trends of non-conventional rodenticides in protection of alfalfa from rodents. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 28(4): 659-673.

Đedović, S., Vukša, M., Stojnić, B., Jokić G. (2011): Preparati na bazi selena i suzbijanje sinantropnih glodara u objektima u poljoprivredi. Pesticidi i Fitomedicina, 26(3), 265-270.

Jokić G., Vukša M., Đedović S., Stojnić B., Kataranovski, D. (2011): The possibility of use of some essential oils in rodenticidal baits. Book of abstract of 8th European Vertebrate Pest Management Conference, Berlin, Germany, 186-187.

Stojnić B., Vukša M., Jokić G., Čkrkić M. (2011): First Record of Introduced Valencia Slug, Lehmannia valentiana (Férussac, 1822), in Serbia. Pesticides and Phytomedicine, 26(3), 213–220.

Jokić G., Vukša P, Vukša M. (2010): Comparative efficacy of conventional and new rodenticides against Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1778) in wheat and alfalfa crops. Crop Protection, 29(5), 487-491.

Jokić G., Vukša M., Draganić M., Čović I., Đedović, S. (2009): Application of Sodium Selenite Baits to Control Common Vole Microtus arvalis Pall in Alfalfa Crops in Serbia. Book of abstract of 7th European Vertebrate Pest Management Conference, Lyon, France.


Kada bismo posmatrali pravu prirodu stvari,
svako zeleno drvo je daleko vrednije kao takvo, nego da je napravljeno od zlata i srebra.
Martin Luther

Nema stvari koja bi bila tako vredna poučavanja kao priroda.
Nikola Tesla